Letter K
O. K. We’re getting another class in before that summer sun becomes a regular part of our lives. It’s another journey thru the musical alphabet as we are at the Letter “K” as in Kool, Kelly, KC and Kanye.
O. K. We’re getting another class in before that summer sun becomes a regular part of our lives. It’s another journey thru the musical alphabet as we are at the Letter “K” as in Kool, Kelly, KC and Kanye.
O. K. We’re getting another class in before that summer sun becomes a regular part of our lives. It’s another journey thru the musical alphabet as we are at the Letter “K” as in Kool, Kelly, KC and Kanye.
We get one more session in before the holiday break and continue to school you in the musical alphabet. We land on the letter “K” today and it’s a Kid, a King, a Knight and something Kool.