This Week in 1980

We’re time traveling back 36 years to hear the songs that made you turn the radio up this week in 1980.

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Happy Birthday Marvin Gaye

We celebrate the life and music of Marvin Gaye, who would be 77 years young this weekend. Yes it has been 32 years, when on April 1st 1984, Marvin’s life was cut short at the hands of his father Marvin Gaye Sr. It was a profoundly tragic moment in the history of music, but with the joyous songs Marvin left for us we can truly celebrate. So listen in as Marvin, and many of his peers join us for a look at the life and times of a truly one of a kind artist, a creative force who revolutionized black music and a man whose imprint on our lives is still felt to this day.

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This Week In 1986

We’re time traveling back 30 years to hear the songs that made you turn the radio up this week in 1986. plus, we’ll get you up to date with what’s happening now on The Most Unique Countdown Show On The Radio Today.

Listen On Demand Now

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